Wellbeing resources
Our Pastoral Team have put together a selection of resources to support pupils, parents, and families. These narrated PowerPoint slides and accompanying PDF handouts aim to help parents discuss mental health with their children and help to remove the stigma around mental health.

Sleep and Emotional Health (PDF - 0.2 MB)
Sleep has a very close link with emotional health and wellbeing. Struggling with your emotional health can lead to issues with sleep, and poor sleep can negatively impact your emotional health. We know that, as a nation, the UK is chronically under slept.
A Guide for Parents, Relatives and Friends following a serious traumatic event (PDF - 0.15 MB)
Dr. Craig Joyce Consultant Educational & Child Psychologist

Choose Kindness (PDF - 0.2 MB)
Kindness is one of the most valued character strengths in Western society. We like kind people, so being kind can help us be liked. Beyond that, being kind has been shown to boost not only others’ well-being but also our own well-being.

Resilience (PDF 0.1MB)
When something difficult or traumatic happens to children, you may have heard (or even said) the phrase, ‘children are naturally resilient, they bounce back from these things’ . This, I’m afraid, is nonsense.

Stay Motivated (PDF - 0.15 MB)
All people experience fluctuations in their motivation and willpower, and this is certainly the case with school pupils. Sometimes they feel fired up and highly driven to reach their goals. Other times, they might feel listless or unsure of what they want or how to achieve it.

Alcohol, teenagers and brain development (PDF - 0.4 MB)
The new information coming from researchers around the world have forced educators and parents to reexamine commonly held believes about the way we parent and educate our children.