Boarding at Warwick offers pupils very high standards of pastoral care, a rich experience of community living in a stimulating environment which helps boarders to develop academically, physically and emotionally.
All our boarders, wherever they are from, are encouraged to integrate with the school community. They are an important part of every aspect of school life from the sports field to the concert hall, from the science laboratory to the Chapel, the boarders are always involved and playing a leading part in whatever is going on.
Our highly-regarded and distinctive boarding community has established itself at the forefront of the school’s academic achievements and many pupils enjoy positions of responsibility within the whole school, before going on to first-class university courses and employment. Alongside this our boarders play a key role in the community, supporting local charities and giving their time to support a diverse range of projects and community groups.
We are a friendly community of pupils, pastoral tutors, matrons and boarding house parents who offer help and support wherever you need it.
Jason, former boarding pupil and Head of House
One special characteristic of Warwick School is that boarders account for only 1 in 17 of the senior school population. This ratio of boarders and day pupils encouraged our son to interact with the day boys more often. Together with the support of the ‘Buddy’ scheme, our son easily adapted to the new environment.
Mr and Mrs Lee, parents of former boarding pupil

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