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Warwick Voice

Aims and Objectives

As a school we believe it is very important that our pupils are not only responsible members of the school community but also active participants. This is important for their happiness, sense of wellbeing and the development of their character. Pupil Voice provides a valuable opportunity for our pupils to engage with school life in a positive way, through having their feedback heard, leading their own initiatives and encouraging increased involvement in a wide variety of areas.


Our goals are as follows:

  • To give pupils an opportunity to have their ideas and feedback heard, and their questions answered
  • To encourage pupil participation – be part of the solution, not just complain about the problem
  • To give leadership opportunities in a range of areas of school life
  • To increase pupil participation in aspects of wider school organisation and their own areas of interest
  • To enable greater collaboration between us, the other Foundation schools, and the local community

Warwick Voice is an invaluable community where every student’s voice
is heard and valued. It doesn’t just offer
us opportunity to debate what matters to us. Pupils are empowered to drive positive change and shape our school experience.

- George, Head of Warwick Voice

The Pupil Voice Structure

Warwick Voice is led by a group of prefects who meet with Mrs Bradshaw (Head of Warwick Voice) on a
regular basis. Each prefect has an area of responsibility and leads a subcommittee consisting of pupils

from every year group. These are overseen by the Senior Prefect for Warwick Voice and the Senior

Prefect for Community & Charities as follows:

General Themes

Wellbeing Themes

The subcommittee groups meet at a minimum once per half term to discuss matters arising in their area of interest plus initiatives and projects that they wish to lead.

Just some of our achievements so far...

The Teaching & Learning Committee have aided in the recruitment of new staff through acting as a pupil interview panel and worked with the deputy head in discussions regarding internal assessments for centre assessed grades.

The Charities Committee have arranged the collection of food donations from every form at Christmas on behalf of the Warwick District Foodbank.

The Catering team have led large scale surveys regarding catering and met with the head chef on a regular basis to feedback the opinions of pupils about our current menus.

The Eco Team have helped to win the school a Green Flag Award and pioneered a referendum for a meat free day at school – this was a success and has been adopted by the catering department.

The possibilities for future projects are wide ranging and we want our pupils to be ambitious with their initiatives and ideas. Above all we hope that through the pupil voice system we can engender a sense of involvement, community and collaboration between staff and pupils.