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Application for Music Scholarships at 11+/13+/16+

Please note the deadline for 2025 is Wednesday 6 November.

Scholarship Application Guidance

Music Scholars form a pivotal component of Warwick School’s Music Department. Being talented instrumentalists and singers, with a strong drive to better both themselves in their musical pursuits as well as be positive leaders in their cohorts for musical involvement, we expect our scholars to be role models for Music within and beyond the gates of Warwick School. Our Music Scholars lead by example, being committed to and enthusiastic about ensemble music-making as well as taking solo opportunities throughout the year.

Music Scholars will routinely take Music as an academic pursuit at GCSE level and are encouraged to study Music at A Level. They are expected to perform three solos throughout the year and engage in an annual reflection and review of their contribution to the musical community, as well as analyse their own development.

All Music Scholars receive one instrumental lesson per week free of charge as an investment by the school to their musical development. There are also fee remissions available of 10%-20% from the overall school bill for the most outstanding candidates. Given the significant financial support the school makes towards a Music Scholar’s musical development, the department reasonably expects boys to show commitment to their award; scholarships are to be maintained by the boys, as well as earned at audition, and retention of such an award year on year is assessed on merit, rather than guaranteed. For boys who might struggle to attend the school with a Music Scholarship only, the Bursary has a means-tested approach for further financial support – please contact the Admissions Office for more information.

Audition Requirements and Standards

The subheadings below give an indication of the minimum standard we would expect of a Music Scholar at the point of application (i.e. November of the academic year preceding entry to Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12 respectively). It is possible that boys applying will be under- or over-qualified by the below criteria, and if parents have any queries over the suitability of their son to apply, or want to find out more, it is possible to arrange a pre-audition with the Director of Music (Mr Mann,

It is worth noting that at audition, boys are assessed not only on present musical aptitude, but also on their potential, their musical passion and general musicianship. It is not necessarily the case that the most qualified boys will achieve the highest awards; we are principally invested in helping musically-minded and talented boys who are passionate about their instrument and music in general.

Year 7 Music Scholarship

Grade 3 Distinction standard (in-person exam) on one or more instruments for ABRSM (Practical exam), Trinity, Rock School or Jazz Syllabi (Trinity preferred)

Audition requirements for Year 7

1. Perform one prepared piece per instrument (NB two contrasting pieces if applying on only one instrument)
2. Sight reading
3. Aural tests
4. Interview (including general musicianship)

Year 9 Music Scholarship

Grade 5 Distinction standard (inperson exam) on one or more instruments for ABRSM (Practical exam), Trinity, Rock School or Jazz Syllabi (Trinity preferred)

Audition requirements for Year 9

1. Perform one prepared piece per instrument (NB two contrasting pieces if applying on only one instrument)
2. Sight reading
3. Aural tests
4. Interview (including general musicianship)

Sixth Form Music Scholarship

Grade 8 standard on one or more instruments for ABRSM (Practical exam), Trinity, Rock School or Jazz Syllabi (Trinity preferred)

Audition requirements for Year 12

Perform one prepared piece per instrument (NB two contrasting pieces if applying on only one instrument)
Interview (including general musicianship)


Offers are made by recommendation from the Director of Music and Head of Music Scholars to the Headmaster and are awarded at the School’s discretion. The categories of award we have are as follows:

Music Scholarship:

10%-20% discount on school fees

1x 30-minute instrumental lesson per week in term time (NB Grade 8 is a 60 minute lesson)

Music Exhibition:

1 instrumental lesson

Next Steps

If you think your son has the potential to be a music scholar, please complete the below online form to register your interest. Should you have any questions about the process, or concerns or queries about your son’s eligibility for the award, please contact the Director of Music (John Mann,

The deadline for applications this year is 9am on 6th November, with scholarships taking place over the weeks commencing 18th November and 25th November.

Warwick School Music Scholarship Application


To register for an application for a Music Scholarship for September 2025 start, please complete the online form below prior to 9am on Wednesday 6th November.

Application for Music Scholarship at Y7/Y9/Y12*
Candidate's Full Name:
Telephone Number:
Present School:
Year of Entry to Warwick School (Y7/Y9/Y11):
Instrumental Experience*
 First Instrument
First Instrument:
Most recent examination taken (if any) and results:
Name of Examination Board:
Length of time learning:
Teacher's Name:
 Second Instrument
Second Instrument:
Most recent examination taken (if any) and results:
Name of Examination Board:
Length of time learning:
Teacher's Name:
 Third Instrument (Optional)
Third Instrument:
Most recent examination taken (if any) and results:
Name of Examination Board:
Length of time learning:
Teacher's Name:
Most Recent Theory Examinations Taken:
Examination Board and Results:
Audition Programme*
Principle Instrument:
1st piece title and composer:
2nd piece title and composer:
Second Instrument:
1st piece title and composer:
2nd piece title and composer:
Third Instrument:
1st piece title and composer:
2nd piece title and composer:
No file chosen

I have read the information regarding the Music Scholarships and agree to abide to the conditions set down therein.