How to Join

Submit an application
Online application form
At the same time as application, a non-refundable registration fee of £120 (£100 plus 20% VAT) or for Boarding £210 (£175 plus 20% VAT) is required, payable by bank transfer (please use your child's name as reference). A copy of your child's birth certificate should be uploaded within the application (mandatory) and their most recent school report.
If you have any questions with the application please contact our Admissions Team:
Mrs Emma Hunt | 01926 776414
Mrs Lisa Craine | 01926 776810
Warwick Junior School Registrar
Warwick Senior School Registrar
Junior School (from Year 3, age 7+ entry)
We welcome pupils to Warwick Junior School between the age of 7 and 11. The school provides a well-structured academic education for pupils in addition to extensive opportunities for co-curricular activities. Music, drama and sport all play leading roles in life at Warwick Junior School.
The majority of pupils enter the school at age 7, but entry is also possible into any year group each September, and on occasion during the school year, subject to a place being available. Pupils are assessed for entry to the school at each age group.
At 7+ Warwick Preparatory School boys are assessed internally. External candidates at 7+, 8+ and 9+ sit online tests in Maths and in English (covering spelling, punctuation and grammar, together with reading comprehension); and a short, handwritten Creative Writing exercise.
Assessments for entry into the Junior School for September 2025 take place in January 2025. Applications for entry into Junior School will be considered on a case by case basis after the deadline (17 January, 2025) so please do get in touch with the Junior School registrar.
Senior School (from Year 7, age 11+ entry)
Within the Senior School, the vast majority of boys join us in Year 7 or Year 12 (Lower Sixth). Entrance is at the start of the academic year and only by exception, during the school year. We do in addition have an intake for Year 9.
- Full applications for entry into Year 7 and Year 9 for September 2025 are required to be with the admissions department by 12 noon on Friday, 18 October 2024. Bursary applications paperwork to be sent to BAA, our external partners, should you wish to be assessed for a bursary by 11 October. We will send details of how to do this when you submit your application form.
- Our Entrance Examinations will take place on Saturday, 16 November 2024 (Year 7 and year 8 entry) and Monday, 18 November 2024 (Year 9 entry).
- Year 7 Assessment Interviews will be held on Thursday, 28 and Friday, 29 November 2024. Please note that all applicants are invited to interview.
- Scholarship Day will take place on Wednesday, 27 November 2024, by invitation only.
Sixth Form (from Year 12, age 16+ entry)
Pupils wishing to follow a Sixth Form course at Warwick School must attain a minimum of 51 GCSE points from their best 8 GCSE grades. This figure is the equivalent of the previously stated entry requirements of three grade 7(A) and five grade 6(B).
Entry to the Sixth Form is based on the outcome of an interview with the Head of Sixth Form and the Deputy Head Academic, a report from the candidate’s current school (with an indication of predicted grades at GCSE) and meeting the school’s academic requirements for entry to the Sixth Form.
Subsequent to the interview, and a satisfactory report, a conditional offer may be made for entry the following September.
Sixth form application deadline for September 2025 is noon on Friday 28 February 2025
Offer acceptance deadline: 29 April 2025
Boarding (from Year 9, age 13+ entry)
Warwick School has a small boarding community, with a strong community feel and close integration with the day pupils. At present we have approximately 60 boarders, most of whom are international from places as far afield as China and Hong Kong. We also have a growing number of UK-based weekly and termly boarders. We welcome applications from boys of all nationalities. As a selective school, all applicants have to sit entrance exams before any place is offered.
For September 2025 entry and beyond, Warwick School will be using online tests in English and Maths to assess our international applicants. Warwick School’s tests will be hosted by Password. The tests are very simple to use, and very secure, allowing every student to take their test under fair exam conditions.
Password English tests are designed by the world leading research team, Crella (Centre for Research in English Language Learning and Assessment. Warwick School’s Head of Maths has worked closely with the Password team to create bespoke testing that suit the range of international students who apply to us.
For more information on what to expect, including some sample questions and practice materials, please visit the Password website here: is also an introductory Powerpoint which will illustrate what the Maths tests will look like.
All international applicants will be expected to sit both a Maths and English test, approximately 1 hour each in duration.
Boarding places are usually offered by the end of November each year. For international boarders a high standard of English, both spoken and written, is required to ensure that they will be able to cope with the level of work that is expected of them at Warwick School.
Applicants are welcome from the age of 13+ (Year 9), 14+ (Year 10) to study for GCSEs or 16+ (Sixth Form) to study A Levels. We also welcome enquiries regarding weekly boarding and flexi-boarding.