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Nearly New uniform

Nearly New uniform sales are kindly run by parent volunteers. To find out more information, please email

Nearly New uniform

The Nearly New Uniform Shop will sell certain items on behalf of parents, for which the seller receives 70% of the selling price, and the Warwick School Nearly New Uniform Shop retains 30% to cover administration and make donations to school projects. For the remaining items of uniform that are not sold on behalf of parents, we welcome donations, where the shop receives 100% of the selling price. Please see an attached list of uniform items for sale or donation.

Payments will be made to individual sellers twice per year. Sellers will be asked to submit bank details in order to receive payments by online banking. A bank details form will be shared with sellers prior to the next sale.

Please note, nearly new sales are hosted by the school but administration and operation of sales is run entirely by the uniform shop parent volunteers.

Selling uniform

The shop will sell a selection of school uniform, including sports kit and equipment. All uniform will display the new school crest. No kit featuring the old colour school crests will be sold or accepted for sale. 

Please ensure that all items are freshly laundered and in good, nearly-new condition. There will be designated locations and times for dropping off uniform. The dates for these drop-offs will be communicated at the start of the relevant term.

On drop off days, caretakers will bring garments inside to be sorted by the uniform shop volunteers. Please note that neither parent volunteers running the uniform shop, nor the school, can take responsibility for garments brought into sale.

It is up to sellers to fix the price for sale items. Prices should be in multiples of 50p. If the volunteers think the pricing should be altered they reserve the right to do so. If an item of clothing does not sell after a period of one year, it will either be returned to the seller or retained by the school, depending on the seller’s preference listed on the garment label. 

Buying uniform

Sale dates and locations will be advertised via parent e-newsletter.

In order to manage numbers of people at the sale, the sales will operate a system for book time slots.

Sale arrangements are subject to change, depending on any COVID restrictions in place at the time. 

Payment may be made by debit/credit card only. Cash cannot be accepted.


Uniform sales are made possible by the leadership of a team of parent volunteers in helping to organise stock and run sales. More volunteers are required to ensure the success of these sales. 

Please email to volunteer your services or to ask any further questions about the uniform sale.