Pastoral Care
Across the Warwick Schools Foundation, we are wholeheartedly committed to providing the highest standard of pastoral care to all of our students and staff.
We are very proud of the young people that pass through Warwick School. It is our aim to support and guide the pupils during their years with us, allowing them to develop into responsible, resilient and compassionate young adults of character who are determined to make a positive contribution wherever they find themselves in the future.
Pastoral care at Warwick School is baked into the fabric of the school and informs way we do everything. From our powerful tutoring structure, to our wellbeing facilities, to our vibrant Pupil Voice and peer-to-peer support, we are committed to providing the right kind of care for every pupil, their families, and our wider school community – 365 days a year.
Designated Safeguarding Team
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) at Warwick School is Mr R Thomson, Deputy Headmaster - Pastoral. There is a pastoral team, all whom are specially trained.
Designated Safeguarding Lead | Mr Richard Thomson – Deputy Head (Pastoral) |
Designated Safeguarding Deputy | Mrs Heather Mellor – Deputy Head, Warwick Junior School |
Pastoral Team:
Mr James Barker | Headmaster |
Mr John Bond | Headmaster, Warwick Junior School |
Mrs Kimberley Wyatt | Senior Deputy Head |
Mrs Alexandra Quinn | Deputy Head (Teaching and Learning) |
Mr Keith Davenport | Head of Middle School |
Mr Peter Walker | Head of Year 7 |
Mr Brian Davies | Head of Upper School |
Mrs Kate Poole | Assistant Head Pastoral |
Mr David Bull | Head of Boarding |
Mrs Helen Leaf | Senior Mental Health Lead and SEN Specialist (Social, Emotional & Mental Health) |
Mrs Claire Martindale | School Nurse |
Rev James Holden | Foundation Chaplain |
Mr Craig Bennett | Head of Sixth Form |
Mrs Alex Wilson | Pastoral Support Manager |
Grass roots pastoral care happens effectively at form tutor level and time for tutors to spend with their group has been extended in the senior school to allow for relationships to be strengthened and for form tutors to pick up the small changes that can be significant. PSHE supports pastoral development with sessions on mindfulness and self worth. Teachers have received useful pastoral training particularly round autism.
Good Schools Guide 2020
In Warwickshire, authorities and communities are working together to deliver the Government’s Prevent Strategy. Prevent is one of four objectives which make up the Government’s Strategy for Countering Terrorism.
The Prevent officer is Geoff Thomas in Warwickshire - The form to make a referral if there are extremism or radicalisation concerns about a pupil can be found online.