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Academic Learning

The curriculum provided at Warwick Junior School is broad and balanced:

English, Mathematics, and Science are the core subjects that boys follow throughout their four years with us. This core is supplemented by Art, Computing, Design and Technology, Languages, Geography, History, Music, Performing Arts, Personal, Social and Health Education, and Religious Education. 

Individual classes also have one double period of Physical Education a week, taught by members of the PE department. In addition to this, each year group has a designated Games afternoon delivered by both PE teachers and the Junior School games staff.

The pursuit of oracy, literacy, and numeracy are central priroties that underpin the academic learning provision at Warwick Junior School, but not to the exclusion of the creative and less formal approaches to all subjects.

Lower School (Years 3 and 4)

Three academically balanced forms enter the school at 7+. The forms are then mixed at the end of Year 4 to encourage new working relationships and friendships.

Pupils are taught mainly by their Form Tutor with specialist teachers delivering Languages, PE, Games, Music, and Art/DT.

Upper School (Year 5 and 6)

As the pupils progress into the Upper School, subject specialists take an increasing number of subjects, including the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science.