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Sheep brain dissection for Lower Sixth Psychologists

Lower Sixth Psychologists are currently learning about the structures and functions of brain within the Biopsychology topic. To bring this learning to life, pupils were invited to partake in a dissection of a sheep brain as a lunchtime activity.

Dylan said of the experience:

‘The brain dissection that we performed during lunchtime was extremely interesting while also being fun and informative. We were first given instructions to label different parts of a hemisphere of a sheep’s brain, such as the Broca’s area which is for language production. As we started labelling the brain we realised that to be able to do so properly, we would have to identify what hemisphere of the brain we had by looking at the position of the cerebellum and brain stem. After labelling the lobes and cortexes we were allowed to dissect the brain and look at the internal structure. This gave us a new view and understanding of the brain as it allowed us to interact with it physically. As such I have found this experience extremely helpful as a Psychology student, as it has allowed me to accurately identify areas of a brain by having a physical experience of doing so.’

To enhance pupils’ learning of Neuroscience further we are looking forward to once again welcoming Neuroscientist Dr Guy Sutton on Monday, 24 June for our annual ‘Brain Day’. Lower Sixth Psychologists will be off timetable all day to take part in a series of fascinating lectures. For the first time, Dr Sutton will also be delivering an after school Encounter, and all are welcome to attend.