Nearly New uniform
PAWS (Parents Association of Warwick School) are delighted to announce we can now take uniform items to sell on behalf of parents. This is for both Warwick Junior School and Warwick School. These are kindly being run by parent volunteers.
Nearly New uniform
The PAWS Nearly New uniform shop will sell certain items of uniform on behalf of parents, for which the seller receives 70% of the selling price, and the PAWS Nearly New uniform shop retains 30% to make donations to school projects, charities and to help run PAWS events. For the remaining items of uniform that are not sold on behalf of parents, we welcome donations, where the shop receives 100% of the selling price.
Shirts are donation only and we do not accept grey everyday school socks.
We recommend that sellers price goods at 50% or less of the RRP from Stevensons, sellers should be mindful that uniform which is priced competitively and of a good quality will sell first.
We only accept school branded uniform to sell in the shop.
Payments will be made to individual sellers twice per year. The first payment for the uniform shop will take place around July.
To start selling...
1. Please obtain a seller number by completing the PAWS nearly new uniform seller form:
2. You will then receive a unique seller number to your stipulated email address, which you will retain for each sale (you only need to do this process once). Your unique seller number is required on the labels and for your individual items.
The seller information form also requests your bank details for payment. Once we have updated our bank with your details all bank details are deleted from our PAWS system.
Please see the separate label generator spreadsheet, which can also be found in the attachments listed at the bottom of this webpage.
3. Once you have generated, printed and attached your labels to your garments, please fill out the Warwick school nearly new check in spreadsheet with all your items. This is a vital step to ensure your items are added to our stock list:
4. Then please drop your items on a designated drop-off date in the designated place. If unsure please email the Nearly New uniform team to confirm when the next ones are.
On drop off days, caretakers will bring garments inside to be sorted by the uniform shop volunteers. Please note that neither parent volunteers running the uniform shop, nor the school, can take responsibility for garments brought into sale.
All garments should have attached to them, with a safety pin, one of the standard sale labels.
Please note, nearly new sales are hosted by the school but administration and operation of sales is run entirely by the uniform shop parent volunteers.
All uniform will display the new school crest. No kit featuring the old colour school crests will be sold or accepted for sale.
Please ensure that all items are freshly laundered and in good, nearly-new condition.
If the volunteers think the pricing should be altered, they reserve the right to do so, for example based on condition. If an item of clothing does not sell after a period of one year, the school reserves the right to use the item as a 100% donation. Uniform will not be returned to the seller.
Buying uniform and upcoming sale dates
Sale dates and locations will be advertised via parent e-newsletter at the start of each term.
SEPTEMBER 2023, date and time TBC
1. Please can all requests for seller numbers be submitted by 8am on Monday, 3 July. Parents need to request a seller number in order to sell their uniform and receive payment for it. Request a seller number using the Google form above.
2. There will be two drop off dates - Wednesday, 5 July and a second in the summer break, date TBC. Items can be dropped off outside Warwick Hall or in the Junior School playground.
Further details will be posted here as soon as they are confirmed. Please contact for further information.
Please ensure all items for sale are clearly labelled, they will all be checked into the stock by volunteers against the data provided. Volunteers will not remove any name tags so if you wish to do this please do so before handing items in.
Sale arrangements are subject to change, depending on any COVID restrictions in place at the time.
Payment may be made by debit/credit card only. Cash cannot be accepted.
We do not accept returns, all goods are sold as seen.
Uniform sales are made possible by the leadership of a team of parent volunteers in helping to organise stock and run sales. More volunteers are required to ensure the success of these sales. Please email to volunteer your services or to ask any further questions about the uniform sales.