Governor Scholarships for Academic Excellence
Governor Scholarships are awarded to pupils who excel academically.
Governor Scholarships tend to be awarded up to the value of 20% of fees, based on the results of the entrance examination and interview.
Whilst these scholarships are usually awarded at as pupils enter Year 7 based on performance in the entrance examination and interview, one or two additional Governor's Scholarships are usually awarded to pupils at the end of Year 8 going into Year 9, if they have shown a very high level of attainment throughout their first two years at Warwick School.
Eligibility criteria
There is no set benchmark that pupils are required to meet for eligibility, as the average performance of any given intake of pupils will change each year. The scholarships are awarded to those who excel academically and also perform well in the interview for their year of intake.
A further two Governor Scholarships are usually awarded to pupils moving into the Sixth Form on the basis of excellent work throughout the lower years at Warwick School and GCSE grades.
Application process
There is no application process for our Governor Scholarships; pupils who are registered for the examination at 11+/13+ are automatically considered, whilst pupils may be automatically identified as they move into Sixth Form based on their level of attainment in their earlier years at the school.