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Senior School Entrance Examinations

Entrance at 11+ (Year 7)

Candidates for entry to Year 7 of Warwick Senior School are required to sit an entrance examination consisting of:

Entrance at 13+ (Year 9)

Candidates for entry to Year 9 of Warwick Senior School are required to sit an entrance examination consisting of:

  1. A Mathematics test (1 hour)
  2. An English test (1 hour)
  3. A verbal reasoning test (45 minutes)
  4. A Science test (1 hour)
  5. A short interview with a senior member of staff

Tests are based upon the Common Entrance Syllabus for each subject and the National Curriculum.

13+ sample papers

Below are English and Mathematics samples papers for 13+.

The 13+ science test is a one-hour multiple choice paper focusing on assessment of science skills across Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In preparation, it is recommended you use past 13+ common entrance papers which are available from the Independent Schools Examination Board. There is no verbal reasoning sample paper, but sample papers are available to purchase from all major bookshops or online.

If you are interested in entry to the school in any other year group, please contact our Admissions team on 01926 776414 /