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Head Master's Blog

We hope that you enjoy reading these blog posts written by our Head Master, Mr Barker.

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  • Understanding the Actions of Others

    Published 26/05/23, by Admin
    How do you react to behaviour that has a negative impact on you? Anger, judgement, and blame?  How productive is this reaction?  What if the slights you’ve experienced or the harm they have done was not inflicted intentionally?  What if the perpetrator thought that they were doing the right thing – for them or even possibly for you?
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  • Why Do We Travel?

    Published 21/04/23, by Admin
    Picture the scene. 
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  • The leaders of tomorrow

    Published 23/03/23, by Admin

    What do the following all have in common?

    Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Margaret Thatcher, Martin Luther King Jnr, Greta Thunberg, Winston Churchill, Jacinda Ardern

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  • Did you celebrate Valentine’s Day?

    Published 17/02/23, by Admin

    Valentine’s Day has become a significant cultural and commercial celebration of romance and love. In the United Kingdom an estimated £1.3 billion is spent annually on cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts with an estimated 25 million cards being sent.

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  • Finding Serenity in 2023

    Published 13/01/23, by Admin

    The change of year is a good time for reflection.

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  • Without wanting to sound like The Grinch...

    Published 09/12/22, by Admin
    ...and admitting that it might be my age, it seems to me that Christmas comes earlier every year. This year it felt that as soon as Guy Fawkes Night had passed the shops were gearing up for Christmas and festive songs were playing on the radio.  Here at Warwick, Dr Chapman and I held firm and refused to allow decorations to go up until after the start of advent. 
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  • The Value of Sport

    Published 04/11/22, by Admin

    It has been lovely to welcome everyone back to school this week and hear a little about some of the things they have been up to over the break. I hope that you all had an enjoyable half-term and spent some quality time with friends and family.  Perhaps like me, you spent some of that time enjoying at least some of the huge amount of world-class sport taking place both in the UK and around the world at the moment.

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  • What is Creativity?

    Published 30/09/22, by Admin

    Creativity, to use your imagination, without limitations is one of the values that forms the Warwick Way.

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  • The Warwick Values

    Published 16/09/22, by Admin
    I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate both last year’s Upper Sixth and the current Lower Sixth on their public examination success. As the first public examinations sat in two years, their results are a testament to the hard work and diligence both cohorts have displayed throughout the challenges of the pandemic.
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  • British Summer Holidays

    Published 01/07/22, by Admin

    As term draws to an end and with the summer holidays upon us, I felt it appropriate to reflect on this British Institution. The traditional British Summer Holiday of between 6 and 8 weeks has frequently been called into question over the years.

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  • Stepping Outside Our Comfort Zone

    Published 10/06/22, by Admin

    " Life begins at the end of your comfort zone" – Neale Donald Walsh

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  • 'Make Your Lives Extraordinary'

    Published 27/05/22, by Admin

    Last Friday for the second time in two years Warwick School was faced with the sudden unexpected loss of a much-loved member of our community. Dr Gill (Bill) was always fantastic company and the very best of colleagues, unfailingly positive, he made time for everyone.

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