Screen Free Challenge
After a half term spent sat in front of a computer in order to complete online schoolwork, the boys were set the challenge of having a ‘Screen-Free Half-Term’ with a set of 20 activities to try.
It has been great to see how many boys (and their families) got involved with the challenges and there have even been reports of boys ‘having fun spending time with their siblings’ - let’s hope that continues!
Particular mentions should go to Toby (3M), James (3B) and Xander (4K) who all completed all 20 challenges. Finlay (3M) and James (3B) had impressive entries in the ‘Spot and Snap’ 10 species challenge, managing a barn owl and great-spotted woodpecker and green woodpecker respectively. Jude took the ‘Build a tower taller than you’ challenge to extreme lengths when he was taught to solder and used this much needed skill to build The Burj Khalifa.
Well done to all of the boys and families who took part.