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Year 5 trip to the National Space Centre

One cold winter’s day on the 10 January 2025, Year 5 had the incredible experience to go to the National Space Centre in Leicester. We went because we had just completed a topic about Earth and Space.

That frosty morning, as we entered the school gates, we were overjoyed. We collected our lunches of sandwiches, wafers and crisps and then boarded the coach. The journey was about an hour or so but as we saw the Space Centre a cheer erupted. We had made it!

As we entered the building, we saw the “home planet” section with a massive globe! There was a big moving floor that changed from icebergs to beaches. After exploring that section, we went up the 42m rocket tower.

On the first level were two bottle rockets. Sometimes they flew really high! Others didn’t even launch. On the second level there were two launch simulators, and a timeline of space exploration compared to life on Earth. Finally, we went up to the top level! On this level there was GENUINE MOON ROCK and an amazing view of the two rockets. After we went down it was time for lunch.

After lunch, we got to look round the universe and the solar system sections. In the universe section, there was a supernova simulator and a screen showing the known universe. In the solar system section, there was a simulator showing Venus and information about the early solar system. Soon after, we saw the planetarium.

The planetarium show was incredible – it showed the effect of space on the human body and a future rocket. After we looked around a bit more it was time for the gift shop where I bought a keyring, a magnet and a coaster.  Sadly, it was time to go home.

All in all, it was a very successful trip. We learnt a lot about space and had lots of fun. Thank you to all the staff that went on the trip.

By George in Year 5.