Third Annual Warwick School Blitz Tournament

The third annual Warwick Junior & Senior School blitz chess tournament took place on Friday, 12 April, with Mr Lam once again organising and the English Chess Federation's Alex Holowczak back as the tournament arbiter.
The event was probably the smoothest running edition so far, as it concluded well within the allotted time - a tribute to the cooperation of the participants and the respect shown for the rules of play. Over-the-board though, there were some hotly-contested battles and, considering the very quick time limit, there was some excellent chess played.
Pre-tournament favourite Billy F (Y7) retained the Weaving Trophy with 6/6, followed by Gregory K (Y8) and Alex W (Y9) in bronze and silver medal positions. Finishing in fourth place and winning the best Junior Player prize was Ilyas R (Y5). A special mention must also go to Monty S (Y6), Oscar G (Y6), James S (Y5), Bo C (Y5) and James P-B (Y4) who all finished on 4/6, with James picking up the 'Best Win' prize for overcoming the biggest gap in age in an individual game.
The prizes were kindly presented at the end by Mr Bond, along with the Coventry Schools Chess League trophies for the members of the title-winning Warwick A and B teams.
Many thanks to all the staff and players involved for yet another successful and enjoyable tournament!