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The Junior Warwick 7s

The 34th, Annual Warwick Junior School Rugby 7s Festival took place on Wednesday, 26 February, in very wet conditions! As eight schools - including teams travelling from as far as Aysgarth in North Yorkshire - battled through torrential rain, hail, cold temperatures, and thick mud, the boys still put on a real display, playing some fantastic 7s rugby and embracing the mud!

Each match was fiercely contested, with moments of brilliance shining through despite the testing conditions. The Warwick team won all but one game and made excellent progress throughout the day. As it has been for much of the season, their defence was their standout feature. The game against Aysgarth was an excellent example of this, with the opposition struggling to get out of their own half for the majority of the game. By the last few matches, the boys had started to move the ball a lot earlier, creating more space for each other rather than relying on their physicality. Off the pitch, camaraderie between schools was evident. Watching the boys have lunch together in the changing room highlighted the rugby's core values and the festival’s ethos. 

Special mention to Anoop and Koa, who took the invitation to play for Akeley Wood School, who were struggling with injuries and illness in school. The boys not only performed outstandingly but represented the school in a fantastic manner.  We received a great email from Mr Lemon, their Director of Sport, who said "Please could you also say a huge thanks to the two boys who joined us. They are lovely lads and were a great help. I even think it spurred a couple of our boys on. I'm not sure if you award House Points, but please award them something on my behalf. They were a credit to your school and the school sport and please also pass on my words to the Head if you are able to."  Both boys have received Headmaster's Commendations.

Overall, despite the challenging conditions, the rugby was exceptional, ensuring another memorable chapter in the long history of this fantastic festival.