Smartphone information meeting

We look forward to seeing many of you at this joint Warwick Junior School and Warwick Prep School information and discussion meeting. Taking place on Thursday, 13 February at 8am, in the Warwick Prep School Hall.
The meeting will last for approximately 45 minutes. There will be expert input and support from Helen Webb, Warwick Prep School’s counsellor, who has a wealth of knowledge about the psychological impacts of smartphone and social media use on children. Mrs Chauhan, a Warwick Junior School parent, will also be sharing her knowledge. Having recently retired after 31 years within the police, Mrs Chauhan has experience working specifically in child protection and safeguarding, and has seen first hand the harms linked to children’s smartphone use. We will also be joined by Annaliese Hendry, a Warwick Prep School parent, who will be speaking about the Smartphone Free Childhood movement.
If you have not already replied to the invitation to this event, please let us know whether you are planning to attend by completing this form.