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Mr Bond's week in review - 24 January

This week we have continued to focus on our learning strength of Empathy. Taken from the German Einfühlung, meaning ‘to feel as one with’, studies have shown that developing empathy is positively linked with life satisfaction and well-being.

The ability to understand and relate to another person improves our relationships with others, confidence, communication, and teamwork skills. In assembly, we discussed the idiom, ‘do not judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes’ and, inspired by a clip from the animation ‘Inside Out’, we reflected on how we may not understand what someone else is feeling and the reasons for their actions. By treating others as we would wish to be treated we will build better, empathetic friendships with those around us.   

A highlight of my week has been catching up with a large number of Headmaster’s Commendations. It is always a pleasure to spend some time with the boys talking about their work and the reasons for their award. This week, it was particularly striking to see the range of work that takes place across the year groups including well-structured and researched biographical writing, detailed and complex python and scratch coding, challenging and thought-provoking fraction magic squares, dramatic Dragon Slayer and Beowulf stories (these were great fun!), high quality musical performances, excellent piano practice, fantastic reading, impressive science test results, highly detailed self-portraits showing skill and patience, excellent science investigation work into onion cells and prolonged effort and attainment across an English topic including writing in a range of genres. Well done to all the boys. 

Next week, we look forward to fixtures for every year group, a visit from the Young Shakespeare Company for Years 5 and 6 and the Ventis House Charity Day. 

John Bond