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Chorister Taster Afternoon

Does your child love to sing? St Mary's Choir could be the thing for them - come and try it!

Over the course of the free afternoon, our friends at St Mary’s Church will show children and their parents the beautiful and historic church, introduce them to some of the current choristers and explain what it means to be a chorister at St Mary's and the fantastic opportunities which include free vocal coaching, TV and radio broadcasts, concerts, tours, and scholarships. Potential choristers will get kitted out in choir robes, sing and learn some new music with the Director of Music, Oliver Hancock, and hear and learn about the magnificent pipe organ at St Mary’s. The afternoon will end with a short service, sung by attendees and some of the current choristers together.

Saturday, 18 January at St Mary's Church, Warwick. From 2.00pm-4.00pm.

Register your attendance now.