Year 7 Music Scheme Concert

At the start of every new academic year, all Year 7 boys are enroled onto Warwick School’s unique musical programme known as the ‘Year 7 Music Scheme’. This really is a wonderful opportunity which allows every pupil to study an orchestral instrument (50-minute weekly sessions) for one year, focusing on developing their technique, theory, aural, notation and overall musicianship skills.
Studies have also proven that playing a musical instrument can be a fun, engaging and an interactive way of learning music. It helps strengthen our brain functions and cognitive abilities which in the long run can assist towards improving GCSE and A Level results. Wider benefits also include cultivating creativity, time management, building confidence, social skills, reducing stress and having a sense of achievement.
On Tuesday, 13 June, Warwick Hall hosted 132 Year 7 boys to showcase their musical talents and what they have achieved throughout the year. The concert commenced with the full orchestra performing Rock Anthems which was a medley of three iconic hits including ‘Rage Against The Machine’, ‘Ironman’ and ‘Born To Be Wild’. This was a thrilling piece which sounded fantastic and ensured the concert started off with a bang. Other full orchestral items included ‘Close Encounters of the Third Kind’, ‘Imperial March’ from Star Wars, and ‘Mars’, the challenging first movement from Gustav Holst’s ‘Planets Suite’.
Also performing on the night were representatives of our Musicianship programme. This is led by Miss Read and is designed for the most advanced and experienced boys in Year 7 who already played a musical instrument prior to Year 7. This year’s cohort consisted of 18 pupils, of which many are currently working towards Grade 6 and 7, which is extremely promising for the future of the music department. The Musicianship group from 7O performed The Beatles classic, ‘Let It Be’, with 7T treating us to ‘Country Roads’. 7B,G,L,Y all showcased new talents together by forming a percussion ensemble and playing 'Funkytown'.
Finally, each instrumental family had the opportunity to play one song as a section, presenting Shut Up and Dance (Brass), Uptown Funk (Strings) and Spooky Neighbours (Woodwind). All families delivered excellent, mature performances with lots of energy and confidence.
Congratulations to all pupils that participated and played their hearts out. This was a superb evening of music making, and we hope that you all enjoyed yourselves. If any boy wishes to continue with instrumental tuition next academic year, please pick up a blue form from the music office ASAP, or follow the link here.
A big thanks go to Mrs Robertson, Mr Tibbitts and all the music scheme staff for their dedication and inspiration throughout the academic year, enabling all boys to reach their full potential and enjoy their musical journeys.